*steps to the mic* Ahem is this thing on? With this being my first official post just thought I would throw up a little disclaimer. I have a lot on this heart and mind of mine and I wish to share it with the masses. The views you see are mine and mine alone. They are just opinions. Feel free to say whatever you think is on your heart in the comments. Just know that a words smith I can be, so if you really want to go there, we good. Other than that, hope I'm able to shine the light into the darkness and in the process not take myself too seriously you dig? So here we go.
"You can't fool all the people all of the time
But if you fool the right ones, then the rest will fall behind
Tell me who's got control of your mind?"
These are some lyrics from Dead Prez. You might be wondering why did I post them, and what is the thing with propaganda in the news? Well bear with me and hopefully by the end of this post all will be clear. I recently had a conversation via the new hot thing in the streets, TWITTER, about this whole H1N1 scare. And yes its a scare. I find it rather amusing that when something pretty major on the political front is going on, something else, that happens to pull at the emotional nerve of the people, pops up. And the news media bandwagons this new topic and it becomes the "BREAKING NEWS STORY" of the day.
Dont get me wrong, if you believe you have H1N1 please by all means go to the doctor ASAP. Do not pass go, do not stop and collect $200. Just saying, the the disease is just that serious. However with that said, H1N1 is not the new AIDS or the killer from the movie Outbreak. People are not going to start catching it and dying off like flies. Well at least the ones with good health insurance will not. And here is the root of the problem.
First, the FLU has always been a killer. There is nothing new here to see. Who does it kill the most, the young and the elderly. And more importantly, it kills a higher number of people with little to no health coverage. If you dont have access to good medical services, then you are going to treat the sniffles and the shakes as a cold. Its no coincidence that the countries who were hit first with H1N1 were in "poor developing nations" where the masses do not have access to adequate health care. Second, more people are dying from complications of obesity, cancer, and HIV/AIDS than from influenza. In addition more people are contracting HIV/AIDs, and developing diabetes than are contracting H1N1 or any other form of the flu.
Instead of informing the masses about the reality of health care in our country and offering the facts on the health care reformation, by engaging us in some form of intelligent discussion, the media has instead decided to incite a riot. They are helping to fuel the fire of the lynch mob so that any sound attempt at any type of intelligent dialogue or discourse, as with those health care town hall meetings, will be as futile as covering a knife wound with a band-aid.
I truly hope that on some level people will begin deplugging their minds from then media. Stop believing everything you here or read as the gospel. Make some intelligent decisions for yourself. Educate yourself on what is being spoon feed to you. Now please don't think I'm saying disregard everything you hear or read. Everything is not false advertisement. The media is not your enemy, but it also is not your friend. Using those lyrics I posted at the beginning of this post, answer this question, "Who are you following?"
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